Our juniors took part in a training session at Barnett's Park with the aim of practicing compass and pacing skills in low visibility. Alison had developed a great 'mist course' in which all the detail had been removed from the map (as if in the mist) with only the detail inside the control circle visible.
This was tough training and really demonstrated the need to set an accurate bearing and know how far you had gone. It didn't help when you came across a large thicket in the way and had to work your way around and still keep on the right line. Speed, in this case, was not everything.
Everyone did very well and soon got the hand of things, with lots of useful lessons being taken on board. As many mistakes are made moving from the attack point to the control over the last 50 - 100 m good compass and pacing skills are very important even when the mist is not down. It wasn't only the juniors that had a go. Some adults took advantage of the chance to practice - not always successfully!
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