Sunday, 27 January 2013

Belvoir Park Training Round-Up: Sun 27 Jan

Paul's  Squad - honest, it's warm once you're in!

Check Out the Junior Training from Sun

Some 14 juniors had a great time on Sun at Belvoir Park learning about map symbols, control descriptions and using the map information to find our way around the course. Check out the pictures from the day below. After the training we all got the chance to put our new skills to use on the score training event. It was a cold day as you can see but we all had fun. Next event is the 9 Feb at Hillsborough. Check out the training page for details.

The score course was well attended, with over forty people running! All of the juniors attending the training stayed for the score - a great chance to try out their new skills on a different type of orienteering than they are used to. Overall the day was a success, with good turnout from the juniors and happily not too much rain.

Don't forget to leave a comment on the blog if you were at the training or even if you were not but want to encourage our juniors. Big thanks to Paul for running the lessons for the Orange Level Group. The rest had to put up with Alan - bad luck!

The Circuit Training

Circuit Training Starts

Doing well on the ladders

Bad Hair Day

 Learning the Lessons
Having Fun - honest!
Back at the finish - Team work pays off

Ready for all weathers

Love the Buff!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun way to spend a chilly Sunday afternoon!


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